Friday, March 6, 2009


I date a lot... its fun. new people, discover new places. It’s entertainment. Obviously I try and be upfront about it. I have stolen and used frequently a line from Trent when he was dating Ms. Megan “I’m having fun, are you having fun? Good, let me know if you ever stop having fun…” I go on a lot of first dates, fewer second dates, and far fewer third dates (if they make it that far then they are worth keeping around for a bit). I think you really know if something is workable or not within the first 30 mins of the date. This is not to say that I wouldn't be serious about the right girl. Theoretically, I think that would be ideal. My thought process here is the more stuff that goes into the top of the funnel, the more selective you can be. It also allows you learn more about what works, what doesn’t and refine your criteria. And everyone has a score – in general a 5 will end up with a 5, a 6 and a 6, sometimes a 5 will be with a 6, but rarely will you see a 5 and a 7. I stole RenJeKi personality / intelligence / attractiveness or PIA system - equally weighted and then is a min threshold in each category. I know my range, I will not date below a certain threshold as I know it is just a waste of my time (ha and yes, there are occasionally few above my range :)) Ones market value is determined by what number you can attract. I have gotten some pushback on whether or not one can accurately rank what are basically qualitative measures… and yes you can…: so imagine getting a set of 20 pictures of yourself - all very similar - and take the pictures and put two side by side so you have 19 on one side 1 on the other - now between two pictures you could chose the one you think - looks the best - and toss the other picture - keep the one you like on the right - now go through the stack, you would eventually end up with the best picture - if you wanted you could resort the stack of 19 and come up - with the second best - and so on - you can rank qualitative things in a systematic fashion

1 comment:

Joel Gross said...

Nice post Daniel!

Since you rate things on a scaling system, do you give up when a girl who is obviously out of your league shows interest?