Monday, June 30, 2008

I need to do a better job at this

Will try and do a better job at maintaining this. I envy Joel ( and Trent's ability to update their blog on a regular basis. Tried twitter... it did not stick. What can one really say in 160 characters? Who actually uses twitter? Their most recently funding has me scratching my head. not to say it is not a good business, but from a risk-adjusted return basis I don't see how it is going to turn out to be a good investment. That and I am cheap.

In other news... will be heading to Seattle for the first time in ~ 2 years this coming Thursday. Will be meeting up with Trent, Joel and some other Seattle deizens for July 3rd-July 9th, and then spend time with Andrew, my older brother, his fiancee Jillian and other assorted family members for the remainder of the trip. Andrew's bachelor party is on the 11th. Good times to be had by all.

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